Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday End Of the Week

So it's Friday the end of the work week, but it also feels like a larger 'end' because it's the last day for Johnnie in school until after Thanksgiving next week. And to that end, they are actually having a Macy's Day parade only they're parading balloons at 12:15 right when class is over. That's pretty cool I thought and I already knew Johnnie had spent some time last night making up his balloon. Look at his balloons in the pic. It was Winnie the Pooh on some honey. Ok OK you might have to use a really large part of your imagination for that one. But who am I to exercise creative jurisdiction LOL. I just let him make whatever he wanted to make. I worked through a morning that went by so quickly, I actually ran out of time and never even made it to taking a shower before having to go to the school to watch Johnnie's parade. I don't even remember what I did after Lisa dropped off Claire. I did manage some good meditation and was anticipating that i was going to have my peace and harmony tested at some point today. But maybe instead of anticipating that, I should have simply focused on the peace and harmony. I walked to Mar Vista and enjoyed a nice, warm sunshiny day actually. A really nice Friday as it turned out. And I got to the school in plenty of time along with a host of the parents. I wasn't aware it was just the 2nd grade class doing this. it was pretty cool actually. And who would lead the parade for his classroom but Johnnie of course. He was so wrapped up in marching he didn't even look up to see me until the last second. Still I thought it was a nice way to cap the last week of school in November. On the way out I asked JOhnnie if he wanted to still spend a couple of hours at STAR before coming home. Emphatically, he said he wanted to go home right then and there. And so I end up having Johnnie for the 2nd half of the afternoon and I did not mind that at all. In fact I was still able to take a nap for a good hour before I woke up just in time for Johnnie's Spanish class at 4 PM! And THEN I got tested. That would be Marina bugging me up and down about setting up ACSI the overflow call center they had been trying to engage since September. The woman simply has no patience gene and I kept trying to explain to her about the nuances of trying to support a remote site let alone a group that isn't even using our network. I also started to show a little more irritation now. As in I don't give a shit when we implement this, we're going to go do this right and you're just going to have to fucking wait.  I didn't write this in my emails to her of course and I also wanted to make sure I didn't react too much knowing full well, this was my EGO getting badgered to act. And so the lesson is still mine to learn. In the meantime, we were on a holding pattern after Spanish class because Lisa mentioned she was coming home right after her CE class in downtown LA. That would place her as being back right around 5:30 - 6 PM and it was actually before 6 PM when she called. I had held off feeding Johnnie so we could all eat together perhaps.  And I had plenty to do anyway. I wanted to finish approving timecards early this weekend because it is going to be a real short week next week. And of course, it is a HRSA survey week as well. 
As it turned out Lisa actually beat us to Oops, the restaurant of choice this evening. It never gets old for us I guess. When she is not bugging about work Lisa is actually far more pleasant to be around and tonight she and i actually shared a huge sashimi plate while Johnnie had his usual udon. Look at the plate we had. It actually looks soo nice. And we were all so hungry we wolfed everything done in pretty much no time. Johnnie told his mom about his day which was a pretty good one, and she finally watched the video I had taken of the parade with Johnnie in it. And then by the time we finished the hand-off at my apartment, it was still not even 8 PM yet. Plenty of time to catch up on my steps. EXCEPT, I got caught up in watching the 4th season of MANIFEST. I don't know what it was about that series that caught my attention. It was part sci-fi mystery about quantum physics and some time travel and it had really good characters you could root for and root against. But as series go, it wasn't really all that exceptional. I should have spent more time watching the raft of videos that also caught my attention regarding making money online. I still don't think I need to spend a whole lot of money to learn the methodologies. I do need to spend some resources and spend energy with people that are mostly in the same place and going the same direction as I am.  Anyway, watching MANIFEST made me not go to bed until it was past midnight. That's ok. I had gotten plenty of sleep today. And tomorrow I get to do another full Johnnie day. Alright Ok.

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