Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Midterm Elections

It was still raining this morning carrying over from last night. Officially the first storm system of the season. Didn't really change the school drop-off routine much except that the kids don't have to wait in front of their classrooms. For Johnnie, Brookly, and Bailey it was more like last year in fact when Brooklyn and Johnnie would always get to walk in together. They did it again this time, this time all with umbrellas LOL. A much larger storm was predicted for the country though as a "red wave" was expected, meaning a Republican blood bath and a recovery of both House and Senate, similar to Pres. Obama's 2nd term in office. This country is SOOO polarized it's hard not to see any conflict regardless of who wins. And I do see that as something that moron Trump created. The only way he wins is to confuse, deflect, and pander to anger. And he does do those very very well. Not that the Democrats don't do those either, but their messaging is definitely much farther ass backwards than the Republicans, simply because they can not learn to appeal to the majority. They do not foment fear and bullshit and they think their truth always wins. That doesn't usually happen to those that are not as educated though. But then again, isn't that what conservatives complain about? They complain about the educated elite? And don't I somewhat fit in that box LOL? Anyway I was very much interested in the results of these elections although like the Presidential election in 2019 the results won't be coming in unti llate into the night tonight. And so it was that I spent my Tuesday morning watching 'Kingdom of Heaven'. Again. Only another version this time with lots of scenes I had never seen before. No wonder they had to cut and edit a lot! I don't know what it is about that movie that transfixes me to it. All i know is what that movie on, today had far less sense of urgency. What I did remember though was my SATS meditation from early this morning. I had one of those emotional release sessions where I found myself shedding tears actually. From stuff I had to forgive myself for. I called myself out for lying and deceiving. Even at golf. When I lose my ball, and it happens more often than I would admit, I would place the ball somewhere on the vicinity of the fairway as if I had dropped it. Without adding to my score. Of course there were the times I had lied about my age. Why do I do these these things? Because I had to show that I was good enough? And I had to deal with the realization that I don't think I am? And so my meditation session dealt with not having to lie and being comfortable with who I am and what I do. And the truth of dealing with that was itself, very uncomfortable. Hence some tears. And that's okay. How would I heal it otherwise if I didn't become aware of it. I simply reminded myself to be gentle with myself as well. No need to beat myself up. Needless to say I know that the meditation session had some effect. But we'll see what that is.  
In the meantime it rained cats and dogs all afternoon until it was time to pick up Johnnie from school. Not that I was in a rush or anything, but I did spend a couple of hours in the morning watching Kingdom of Heaven, yeah yeah the same movie that came out in 2006. Only this version had a lot of scenes that seemed to have been deleted from the earlier versions I had watched. At least now some scenes make better sense. It had already been a pretty long movie without the deleted scenes. And now it's even longer, but better I thought. Anyway it did stop raining by the time I went to STAR pickup and though he never got to play basketball today, Johnnie seemed to be his happy-go-lucky self regaling me with whatever activity he did in its place. Look at the pic of him I took way later on in the evening. He was his bouncy self alright. And that was after the usual Tuesday routine, which included the dinner pickup at Panda Express (which I had some myself and augmented with a bunch of shrimp), and of course Tuesday night chocolate chip cookies. I put Johnnie to bed earlier than usual even. And I would have gone to bed early too, except that I couldn't help but peak at the results from the midterm elections. I was happy to see most Trump endorsed candidates lose. And I was happy to see that that big red wave, red tsunami that pundits were forecasting, didn't happen at all. In fact, there was a massive blue wave in the state of Michigan. And the big news of the night was that John Fetterman in Pennsylvania beat Trump-endorsed Dr Mehmet Oz. How Dr Oz even came close was what the problem was to me. And a picture of how upside down a lot of the thinking of folks in this country has become. That damn Trump sure is able to get to people. But hopefully, this will be the start of the waning of that influence, the remission of that cancer. And we can go back to some semblance of normalcy in this country. We can all sure use it.

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